Tag Archives: hernia

Rupture vs. Rapture

Well, this is what happens when I am left to my own devices. After a week of work, more work and all kinds of non-work-work. I know — it’s confusing, but so is my mental state as I type this. It’s late and I didn’t sleep enough this weekend.

Anyhow, I decided to give you folks a treat –  a hand drawn episode of the world’s finest comic, if you don’t count fan base, or copies sold, or page views. But those are “mainstream” metrics.

I tried drawing on paper again and to be honest it was fun, if slower than I had hoped. And you get used to the tools the computer gives you that you can’t do on paper. Like correct spelling mistakes, of which there are several.

So don’t bust my jewels about the spelling mistakes. This means you, Dan. And all my other literate, persnickety friends and family. Cut me some slack. Entertaining you people is a challenge.

Oh, and the topic this week is from two weeks ago, when the so called Rapture kept us rapt, but was a dud, and then rescheduled by that religious figure in California. Then again, given the horrific weather, the E-coli outbreak in Germany and general discontent in the Middle East, who knows? I certainly don’t.

Oh, this comic will return to its electronically drafted format in the next installment when I return to the “truth in food” theme. So much material there.

Be well, my dear readers. I am about to apply my face to my pillow and see what short discussion will arise.