Tag Archives: bears

Sparky The Bear

Hi all,

I know it’s the Winter Olympics in Vancouver, and I have to admit with much shame, I didn’t have a comic ready for this. I did for the Chinese Summer games, but that was way easier to lampoon.

So, I humbly submit to you the continuation of the story with character development. My sister and brother-in-law gave me the name of the bear character, so kudos to them. I merely ad the absurdity. and the picture of my brother-in-law to the comic. I am sure the story will wander on a path influenced by my lack of sleep, strong predilection for sugary foods that have some kind of DNA- and brain-altering strand of chemicals invented by BASF as a “flavor enhancer.”

I am also sick with a sore throat and ear ache, so I am off to the doctor tomorrow morning for a strep test. Last night wasn’t a good night’s sleep, so I am off to bed now.

So know that my dedication to this comic and to you, my dear readers, persists — despite illness, a lack of sleep and the fact that I cooked a really mediocre beef stew in our slow cooker. I can only hope the Olympic games will lift my spirits. Or a glass of spirits will lift my mood. Whichever comes first.

Go Canada! Win medals so I can have something to cartoon about!


The Animals Are In The House

Before I explain the background behind this episode of the finest cartoon extant, I’ll have you know I re-pinched my nerve in my neck and shoulder for about the 20th time. So, despite massive, shooting pain and an uncharacteristic abstinence from the codeine-centric pills that litter our medicine cabinet, I cartooned away valiantly over the past 2 days. To my beloved wife’s chagrin. Now to the story.

The Animals Are In the House. Ok, so when I wrote the script for this one, many ideas went through my head, and then when exhaustion and desperation set in in equal measures, we got the cool, laid back bear, who will pay his share of cable and the phone bill.  Sharing space with our woodland friends brings us closer to nature. Perhaps too close. Especially if this bear sheds and clogs the drain after he showers. A real possibility.

Now, the inspiration for the bear came from my brother-in-law Sparky (his suggestion, not mine), who if you know him personally, is only slightly less hairy than the character in the comic. My sister can attest to this, especially when she applies sun tan lotion to his barrel-chested upper tree-trunk sized chest. But I digress.

So now we have a new character and for how many episodes no one knows. Least of all me. I am sleep deprived and feeling a cold coming on, so it’s entirely likely, nay, dare I say probable that I will dream about how the story goes further. But I will still work in the iPad or iPhone joke I have had rattling around my memory for a while now.