Tag Archives: pills

Fruity Pills

My dear friends, family, Romans and countrymen,

The comic that taught you the true meaning of the ‘Delete’ button is here with another offbeat installment of Stanko & Tibor. And given the long weekend we are enjoying in Canada and Europe, this gives all the more time to savor the flavor of this latest comic. Or to run out to the garden and plant your head in the dirt as an excuse for not reading this comic. I would.

Trust me, I spent 3 hours in the front garden getting filthier than usual coming to grips with the decades of roots that pass for a front garden. I haven’t ranted about the house in a while. And as summer rolls in, I’ll have opportunity to rant. Which is partially the theme of this week’s comic. And it’s also a carryover from last week’s too.

Yes, I can hear many of you saying, “It’s a continuation of last week’s theme, and he dares call himself a comic genius? More like a lazy son of #@!!&*&*!!! And he still owes me money from the shopping!” But if you read the comic and don’t just hit the Delete button, you’ll see there is some ranting and poetry all mixed into one. There is some artistic merit in that. No? A little maybe?

For my non-bran consuming friends and non-North American friends, do a search of Metamucil, and you’ll see what it is. Anyone related to my family, you already know Metamucil intimately. Anyhow, I thought it made a nice alliteration.

May peace and a good gardener be upon you. And me.


Montague Q. Druker the IV

Youth Pills

Stanko & Tibor: Youth, Pills & Happiness

OK, here is the excuse for this installment’s late posting. Had I not begun to write semi-regularly for an automotive website, I would have had the time to finish this cartoon back on Monday. But alas, my duty to pontificate on things automotive (for which I am getting paid a nominal sum) took precedence this week.

But I digress.

First things second. I needed a break from the Radio Vitriol story line for a bit, and this one was sitting in my pool of ideas for a while. I had wanted to do this ages ago. And now I did. If anyone knows me and my cartooning style, they will immediately recognize the source of the theme from whence this episode came. And that is Bloom County, perhaps my greatest cartoon inspiration. So like any genius, I stole liberally in terms of setting and color. Words and characters, as you know, are my own.

Second (or is it third?), my lovely wife felt she had to point out that the poorly drawn rose in the comic looks way more like a tulip. I resorted to calling her a “hater” and proposing divorce proceedings, which she laughed at. And she laughed at the comic too, but she is even more sleep-deprived than I am so I take it all with a grain of salt.

And third things last, it’s bed time, as it’s past midnight. No wait, I forgot to mention, I made some changes to the site:

  • At the top right, I added “Share The Humor” tools, so you can share this with friends, family and the general media using social web tools. Even a Jewish grandmother could do it (hint, hint)
  • I added my favorite websites as well. Please check them out, they are all quite funny. It’s worth wasting your productive time on them
  • Very soon, I’ll remove the link to my car articles as it takes away from the comic experience, BUT I’ll replace it with more features of the comic, like a bio on the characters, and the most recent items you can purchase from the webstore. I can make kids’ gifts with a Stanko & Tibor image of your choice.

OK, that’s it. Good night.